The Headquarters of Central Hindi Directorate (CHD) and Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology (CSTT) are situated at West Block-7, Ramakrishna Puram, New Delhi–110066. Both the pioneer offices entrusted with the responsibility of promotion and propagation, developing and enriching Hindi, have all along, been making relentless efforts to fulfill the responsibility given by the government. These organizations have a huge common Library which is unique in all respects. This library was established in 1952 under the then Ministry of Education, Govt. of India as a Hindi Division, where as CHD and CSTT were set up in 1960 and 1961 respectively. All Library collections were handed over to CHD Library in 1962. The books of almost all subjects are available in it.
1. Objectives of the Library
This library is for the staff of both offices only. Therefore the books / magazines are issued to the CHD and CSTT officials only. The CHD and CSTT have been inviting from time to time, outside experts through out the year to hold meetings to prepare the Dictionaries, Glossaries and Definitional Dictionaries in different Indian and Foreign languages. The prime objective of library is to provide all necessary reference information and reference books from the library to fulfill the work in both offices. The library has a major role in the field of development of Hindi language; therefore we can say this is a reference library for Hindi Language.
2. Timings of Library
- 9.30 A.M. to 5.00 P.M.
- Timings for issue–return of magazines/periodicals-2.30 P.M. to 4.30 P.M.
- Timings for issue-return of books-11.00 A.M. to 4.00 P.M.
- Timing for reading of newspapers and magazines – 1.30 A.M. To 2.00 P.M.
- Library off – Saturday, Sunday and Gazetted holidays.
3. Library Collection
This Library has a unit of Encyclopedias and Dictionaries published by the National and International publishers. The Literature of Hindi, English and other National and International Languages is also available. It also has a huge collection of Encyclopedias and dictionaries in Urdu, Sanskrit, Kannada, Bangla, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, French, German, Spanish, Czech etc. In addition to this, the Definitional Dictionaries of Humanities and Science published by commission for scientific and Technical Terminology and other publishers from time to time are also available. To make this library up-to-date and modern the new books on computers and newly emerged subjects are also available.
This library has a vast collection of about 56,860 books in Hindi, English and other Indian and Foreign Languages in Library database of NIC (e-Granthalaya); books and reference books on almost all the important subjects taught in various universities.
About 56,860 books in Library database of NIC (e-Granthalaya) on the following subjects are available in Hindi Library :-
- Subjects related to Humanities.
- Subjects related to Sciences.
- All literary forms of Hindi literature.
- Hindi, English, Regional and foreign Language based Bilingual, Trilingual and Multi-lingual Dictionaries.
- Books on Scientific and Technical Subjects.
- Hindi and English based Glossaries and Definitional Dictionaries of scientific and technical subjects.
- Encyclopedias and reference books.
- Technical works of Classical Indian languages like Sanskrit etc.
- All reference books of college and university level.
- Hindi Library regularly subscribes 17 Hindi and English daily/weekly newspapers. The names are given below:
English Newspapers
- Hindustan Times
- The Hindu
- The Indian Express
- The Economic Times
- The Tribune
- The Times of India
- Employment News
Hindi Newspapers
- Dainik Jagran
- Hindustan
- Navbharat Times
- Rajasthan Patrika
- Rashtriya Sahara
- Jansatta
- Punjab Kesari
- Dainik Bhaskar
- Haribhumi
- Rojgar Samachar Patra
This Library also regularly subscribes Hindi, English and other Indian language magazines, total 36 magazines, in which 19 magazines are in Hindi language and 17 magazines are in English language.
The names are given below:-
Hindi Magazines
- Aha Zindagi – New Delhi
- Grihalakshami - New Delhi
- Grihashobha, New Delhi
- Grihanandni
- India Today - New Delhi
- Vigyan Pragati
- Aavishkar- New Delhi
- Kadambini - New Delhi
- Meri Saheli - New Delhi
- Nirogdham – Indore (M.P.)
- Navneet - Mumbai
- Outlook - New Delhi
- Pratiyogita Darpan - New Delhi
- Pratiyogita Kiran - New Delhi
- Vanita - New Delhi
- Yog Sandesh – Haridwar (U.K.)
- Sarita - New Delhi
- Nandan - New Delhi
- Chanda - Mama
- Sharp Reporter
- Sindhi Sahitya Surbhi
- Panchjanya - New Delhi
- Gagnanchal
- Sahitya Amrit
- Samkaleen Hindi Sahitya
English Magazines
- Champak - New Delhi
- Discover India - New Delhi
- Education Today - New Delhi
- Femina - New Delhi
- India Today - New Delhi
- Reader's Digest - New Delhi
- Pratiyogita Kiran - New Delhi
- Pratiyogita Darpan - New Delhi
- General Knowledge - New Delhi
- National Geographic
- Times
- Women's era - New Delhi
- Swamy News - New Delhi
- Competition Success Review - New Delhi
- Science Reporter - New Delhi
- Front line – Chennai
- Organiser - New Delhi
- Chanda Mama
Magazines of other Languages
- India Today (Malyalam)
- Kala Komudi (Malyalam)
4. Free of Cost Magazines
Besides above magazines, the library also receives 24 magazines free of cost from different offices of their respective fields.
The names are given below :-
- Veena (Monthly) - Shree Madhyabharat Hindi Sahitya Samiti, Indore.
- Aksharparv (Monthly) - Literary Magazine, New Delhi.
- Katha Desh - Literary Cultural and Arts Magazines, New Delhi.
- Madhumati - Rajasthan Sahitya Academy, Udaipur.
- Vigyan - Vigyan Parishad Prayag, Allahabad.
- Vartman Sahitya (Monthly) - Literary Magazine, Aligarh, (U.P.).
- Rashtra Bhasha - Rashtra Bhasha Prachar Samiti, Vardha.
- Akshra(Bi-Monthly) - Rashtrabhasha Prachar Samiti, Bhopal.
- Bhasha (Bi-Monthly) - Central Hindi Directorate, New Delhi.
- Vigyan Pragati (Monthly) - Scientific and Technical Research Council, Delhi.
- Hans (Monthly) - Janchetna, Pragtisheel Katha Magazine.
- Resham Bharti - Vastra Mantralaya. Govt. of India, Bengluru
- Vidhi Bharti - Vidhi Bharti Parishad, New Delhi.
- Sahiyta Sagar - Sat – sahityiki Shodh-Masiki
- Vaichariki(Bi-Monthly) - Bharatiya Vidya Mandir Shodh Patrika
- Nayi Dhara (Bi-Monthly) - Suryapura House, Patna
- Vivaran Patrika - Hindi Prachar Sabha Hyderabad ka masik Mukh-Patra
- Harigandha - Haryana Sahitya Academy, Panchkula
- Jangyan - Hindutva evam vishuddha rashtravad ko samarpit
- Nav Nikash - Hindi Sahitya ke nav utkarsh, nav sanchetna aur nav bhavbodh ki pratinidhi masiki
- Sahitya Kranti - Antararashtriya Hindi Patrika
- Abhinav Prasangavash - Jandharmi srijan aur chintan ka traimasik ayojan
- Vipasha (Bi-Monthly) - Shitya, Sanskriti evam kala ki dwaimasiki
- Lawyers update - Vidhik Profession aur Chhatron ki Patrika
5. Arrangement of Books in the Library
All books are classified by Decimal Classification (22nd edition) and catalogued by Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules-II
6. Library Services
- Library provides the necessary information to the staff members and officers of the CHD and CSTT.
- Library provides reading room for their users.
- Issue-Return of books and periodicals/magazines for the Members of CHD and CSTT.
- Library follows Open Access System for the users.
- Library provides Literature search for the users.
- Library provides consultation service for the outside users with the permission of Head of the Department.
- Library plays indirect role to promote and propagate Hindi and also to develop Hindi as an effective means of education.
- To provide Internet connection to Library staff as well as the user.
- Provide computerized library services to users.